Capt. Jon Hazelbaker

Capt. Jon Hazelbaker is the founder of Hammerhead Marine Services, LLC from April 1999 to present. The company was founded to provide Commercial Diving and Marine Construction Consultation to the Marine Contracting Industry. Is services include, project planning and estimating, subcontract procurement and evaluation, labor union negotiations, site visits, change order negotiations and acting as an expert witness.
March 1994- March 1999, Vice President and General Manager
Stolt Comex Seaway, Inc., Houston TX and Columbus, OH
SCS, Inc. is one of the largest diving marine construction, ROV and shipping companies. Duties included overall management of the Midwest office that served approximately 18 states. Jon also served as Project Director of larger company contracts shouldering the overall responsibility for project execution and success. Other duties included estimating, contract and labor union negotiations. The Midwest profit center generated revenues in excess of $7 million annually (1998) and employed approximately 50 field and office personnel. SCS, Inc. is a public company traded on the NASDAQ exchange.
August 1969-March 1994, Founder, President and Corporate Treasurer
Commercial Diving Service, Inc., Columbus, OH
Responsibilities included all facets of corporate management as well as project estimating, supervision, contract and labor union negotiations. Additional duties included project management on larger marine construction projects, performing technically demanding dives, deep tunnel penetrations and implementing the company diver training program. Jon logged over 12,500 hours working underwater on commercial diving projects between 1969 and1996. He negotiated the stock sale of the company to American Oilfield Divers, Inc. in Lafayette, LA in 1994. AOD was subsequently purchased by Stolt Comex Seaway, Inc. in 1996. Both companies were publicly held and traded on the NASQAQ.
1990 – January 1997, Board of Directors, 2nd VP, 1st VP
Association of Diving Contractors International, Inc., Houston, TX
Jon held a position on the Board of Directors for 7 years. He founded and served as Chairman of the Midwest chapter for 2 years; 1990-1992. He also Chaired the National Committee on Underwater Bridge Inspection Standards from 1990 to 1994.