Pat Clyne

As Chief Videographer for Mel Fisher’s expeditions, Pat Clyne has been involved with the Atocha and Margarita recovery projects for over 35 years.
A native of New York, Clyne began studying photography in 1996 while involved with aerial photo mapping and reconnaissance in the Foreign Technology Division of the US Air Force. After attending the Coastal Diving Academy in NY, he teamed up with the world famous treasure hunter, Mel Fisher, while on a shark hunting expedition to Key West.
He eventually became the Captain of one of Fisher’s largest salvage vessels. During the search for the lower hull section of the Atocha, he played a major role in recording archeological data and mapping the artifact scatter pattern. As a licensed pilot, Clyne compiled aerial photo mosaics in search for the main section of the Atocha, which was scattered over many miles.
In 1980 Pat opened the Treasure Salvors Photo Lab, and developed a portable underwater photo grid track for assembling a photo mosaic of the Margarita hull structure. This mosaic was featured in National Geographic magazine. Clyne’s photographs of the search and recovery of the 1622 Spanish Galleons have appeared in many major magazines in the US and abroad.
In 1982, Clyne opened Paradigme Video Productions, which he still operated today. He has been involved in the production of many documentaries that can still be seen on TV which include, among others, two National Geographic specials, an A&E documentary, the Learning Channel, History Channel Science Channel, and a number of treasure specials that aired nationally on ABC, CBS and NBC.
Pat has also been involved with the production of a series of BBC documentaries on diving and marine salvage. His work abroad has included foreign markets in Germany, Japan, Russia and Italy.
Pat Clyne is listed in “The Who’s Who of Scuba Diving” compiled by the Academy of Marine Sciences & Underwater Research. Clyne currently resides in Key West, FL, where he has since retired as Sr. Vice President of all of Mel Fisher’s companies, as well as the Public Relations and Director and Media Consultant for Mel Fisher Enterprises. Clyne is still a consultant to that organization.
As a lecturer, he is engaged by the Washington Speaker’s Bureau as a Keynote Speaker for corporate gatherings, conferences and banquets. He travels extensively as well, displaying the magnificent treasures wile telling the story of Mel Fisher’s fabulous 16 year adventure.
Pat Clyne is the President of the Institute of Marine Archaeological Conservation (IMAC). He is active in various political conferences and debates involving the interests of the private salvor in researching and recovering our maritime heritage. His many debates include discussions which were heard nationally on NPR radio, as well as broadcast internationally on the BBC as well as many other radio affiliates here and abroad.
Clyne’s video production company, Paradigme Productions, is still active in documenting underwater discoveries of special interest TV specials.